Emergency in Sudan
Las partes beligerantes de Sudán continúan sus bombardeos mientras miles de cadáveres se pudren en las calles y más de 20 millones de personas pasan hambre

Miles de personas han muerto y más de cuatro millones han sido desplazadas por la guerra entre militares y paramilitares sudaneses, país que va a entrar en su quinto mes sin signos de tregua. Sólo 18 de los 89 principales hospitales del país funcionan, y sólo parcialmente.

Sudan: A reign of terror after the massacre

After killing 35 and injuring hundreds of protesters, the notorious paramilitary force, RSF, has overrun the capital city, terrorizing the citizens seen on the streets

Protest against Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir “The uprising in Sudan is building on decades of protests against the regime”

As protests intensify in Sudan against president Omar al-Bashir, Peoples Dispatch talks to Dr. Fathi Elfad of the Sudanese Communist Party, who was recently released from prison, on the origins of the uprising and the repression unleashed by the state

Omar Al Bashir Sudan Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir forced to step down as party chief as protests intensify

Bashir will continue as president until the end of his term until 2020 presidential elections, when the ruling NCP will be nominating a different candidate, indicating an foreseeable end to his three decade-long rule

Omar Al-Bashir declaring emergency Emergency declared in Sudan following anti-government demonstration

The declaration of emergency, by president al-Bashir, came shortly after a parliamentary committee tasked with scrapping presidential term limits cancelled its meetings.