French Imperialism
La inadvertida muerte de los emigrantes en el desierto del Sáhara

Vijay Prashad informa sobre el último informe de la OIM sobre muertes de migrantes y las muertes no reportadas de migrantes que cruzan el Sahara

France all dressed up and nowhere to go

France is entrapped in the predicament of countries that get sandwiched between great powers. It is condemned to diplomacy that is constantly in a state of suspended animation interspersed with sudden bouts of activity

“France out of Africa, US and NATO too!” Activists picket the UNGA

US activists protested outside of the UN General Assembly against US and French imperialism and warmongering in the Sahel

Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger alliance Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger form Alliance of Sahel States to advance collective defense

As an ECOWAS military threat looms over Niger, the three countries have formally declared that any act of aggression against one will be considered an aggression against all. The leaders of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger have come to power in popularly-backed coups amid mass anti-French anger and rising insecurity in the Sahel

Niger’s government accuses France of mobilizing for war after discussing troop withdrawal

The commander of French forces in the Sahel has discussed disengagement from Niger, yet Macron has refused to withdraw troops, whose continued presence in Niger was deemed ‘illegal’

Lo que está ocurriendo en Níger no es un típico Golpe

La reciente oleada de golpes de Estado en África Occidental debe entenderse en el contexto del descontento generalizado con las élites gobernantes y su colaboración con el imperialismo.

Niger accuses France of destabilization. Peoples’ movements urge against imperialist intervention

As tension continues to mount in the Sahel region, Niger’s military has accused French forces of acts of destabilization, alleging they released “captured terrorist elements”

Mass rally in Niamey backs Niger’s military leaders as ECOWAS-led intervention looms

30,000 people gathered in Niamey on August 6 in support of Niger’s military leaders hours before a deadline of intervention imposed by ECOWAS was set to expire

Níger: el cuarto país del Sahel que sufre un golpe de Estado antioccidental

El golpe de Níger sigue a los de Malí, Burkina Faso y Guinea. Todos ellos fueron dirigidos por militares enfadados por la presencia de tropas francesas y estadounidenses y por las crisis económicas que sufrían sus países.

Los franceses se marchan del Sahel, pero la guerra continúa

Comprender las raíces históricas de la actual guerra en el Sahel y lo que nos espera con la salida de las tropas francesas.

The French are going, but the war in the Sahel continues

Understand the historical roots of the ongoing war in the Sahel and what lies ahead with the departure of French troops

Burkina Faso, Guinea y Mali proponen un eje estratégico en medio de la destitución militar francesa

Los tres países de África Occidental, que han sufrido recientemente un golpe militar en medio de la creciente indignación pública contra Francia, han acordado un eje Bamako-Conakry-Uagadugú, para una mayor cooperación en asuntos que van desde el comercio a la lucha contra la inseguridad.