French troops in Mali
“We will not stand idly by:” Mali warns against repeat of NATO’s Libyan war in Niger

At the UN General Assembly, Mali and Burkina Faso reiterated their rejection of a military intervention against Niger, recalling the devastating 2011 NATO-led war on Libya and its role in fueling violence in the Sahel

Niger and the Sahel are pushing back against insecurity, exploitation, and France

We take a look at the developments in Niger and the Sahel region a month after the coup that overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum. The developments in Niger are reflective of a larger trend which has mounted a resistance to insecurity, exploitation, and French presence

Russia vetoes sanctions on Mali Russia vetoes resolution seeking extension of sanctions against Mali

Russia and the government of Mali had objected to the indefinite extension of sanctions as harmful for the political process to establish peace in the country. They had sought a provision whereby the sanctions regime would be wound up in August 2024

Mali constitutional referendum Will revamped constitution herald stability in war-torn Mali?

A recent referendum has brought about major changes to Mali’s constitution and laid the foundations for elections next year. Despite challenges posed by separatist groups and Islamist insurgency, there is hope that the referendum is a step in the right direction

West African people’s movements call for greater unity as France announces military ‘reorganization’

The West Africa Peoples Organisation has welcomed the proposal for greater collaboration between Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea, and has called for coordinating and planning production, trade, infrastructure, economic development, and defense

Los franceses se marchan del Sahel, pero la guerra continúa

Comprender las raíces históricas de la actual guerra en el Sahel y lo que nos espera con la salida de las tropas francesas.

The French are going, but the war in the Sahel continues

Understand the historical roots of the ongoing war in the Sahel and what lies ahead with the departure of French troops

Charting the rise of anti-French sentiment across Northern Africa

Anti-French sentiment has increasingly been on the rise across the Sahel and North Africa due to its role in destabilizing the region with military interventions

Trazando el aumento del sentimiento antifrancés en el norte de África

El sentimiento antifrancés ha aumentado en el Sahel y el norte de África debido a su papel en la desestabilización de la región con intervenciones militares.

Mapping Faultlines: French troops leave Mali but their legacy is chaos and violence

In this episode of Mapping Faultlines, NewsClick’s Prabir Purkayastha talks about the recent French withdrawal from Mali and their legacy of violence and instability in the entire region

Mali’s military ejects France but faces serious challenges

Colonel Assimi Goïta, who leads the military junta, said that the agreement with the French “brought neither peace, nor security, nor reconciliation” and that the population aspires “to stop the flow of Malian blood”

Report finds Canadian TRC’s major calls to action still unaddressed and other stories

Today we look at a report on the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action, France’s withdrawal from the Timbuktu military base in Mali, and more