Cuando los niños son asesinados, ¿qué hay que celebrar?

La extraordinaria capacidad de resistencia de los palestinos es un poderoso ejemplo del valor y la dignidad humanos frente a la terrible violencia.

When children are murdered, what is there to celebrate?

The remarkable resilience of Palestinians is a powerful example of human courage and dignity in the face of terrible violence

Oppenheimer military industrial complex La paradoja de Oppenheimer: el poder de la ciencia y la debilidad de los científicos

La bomba lanzada sobre Hiroshima en 1945 anunció la era atómica e inauguró el complejo militar-industrial que se apoderó de Estados Unidos.

Oppenheimer military industrial complex Oppenheimer paradox: power of science, weakness of scientists

The bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 heralded the atomic age and ushered in the military-industrial complex that took over the United States

Fighting remilitarization in Japan

Japanese peace activist Seishi Hinada talks about the policy of militarization pursued by the Fumio Kishida government and the campaign against US bases in Okinawa

Mapping Faultlines: How Close Are We to Nuclear Annihilation?

On Hiroshima Day, NewsClick’s Prabir Purkayastha analyzes why remain so unconcerned despite living in a world with 13,000 nuclear weapons and multiple flashpoints

Protest against U.S. base relocation in Okinawa With rising COVID-19 cases, US bases in Japan come under scrutiny

A recent surge of COVID-19 infections in the Okinawa, Hiroshima and Yamaguchi prefectures has been connected to the presence of US military bases in Japan

Mapping Faultlines: 76 years after Hiroshima, nuclear threat still looms large

76 years after Hiroshima, humanity still faces the threat of nuclear annihilation. Treaties which reduced the threat have expired mainly due to the the intransigence of the US. Prabir Purkayastha looks at these issues

Nagasaki: 75 years later

Newsclick’s Prabir Purkayastha looks at the impact of the Nagasaki nuclear bombing, especially on global politics and the Cold War that followed it

Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the threat of nuclear extinction

It is difficult to believe that the US view of the justness of its possession of nuclear power, while threatening others, is not underpinned by the belief of many in white supremacy

75 years after Hiroshima, where do we stand?

Newsclick’s Prabir Purkayastha talks about the state of the nuclear threat 75 years after the first atom bomb was dropped in Hiroshima.

Today marks 75 years since the world’s first nuclear bombing

After three quarters of a century of the nuclear bombings, the Japanese people continue to resist creeping militarism and right-ward tilt. The government of Shinzo Abe has been pushing for expanding military power