As Poland prepares for a change in government, it remains unclear how the new coalition will address concerns in the health system

The conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party which was in power since 2015 lost its majority in the general elections held on October 15.

The conservative government in Poland has courted widespread criticism for subjugating the judiciary and attacking abortion rights. It is also facing growing public discontent over its over-stretched support for the war in Ukraine at the expense of Polish citizens

The country-wide demonstrations took place following the death of a woman due to pregnancy-related complications. Her family has alleged that they were not told that her life was in danger

In response to increasing misogyny and restrictions on reproductive rights, groups within Belgium are pushing back demanding that abortion be allowed within 18 weeks from conception

Conservative sections in Poland continue their war against women by gearing up to further tighten the ban on abortion and criminalize supporting or promoting it

Over the past few months, tons of fish and other living creatures have been found dead in the Oder river. Environmental groups and people living on the banks of the river in Poland have been protesting the contamination

Progressive sections in Poland blame the Constitutional Court’s notorious anti-abortion directive for the death of a 30-year-old woman from pregnancy-related complications in Pszczyna hospital

The Polish constitutional tribunal made a controversial ruling overriding several articles of the EU treaty and rulings by the Court of Justice of the European Union on the independence of the judiciary, stating that they are contrary to the country’s constitution

A masked mob of around thirty people attacked a training session of the LGBT sports club Homokomando in the city of Gdansk on March 17

The National Women’s Strike in Poland called for countrywide protests after the controversial judgment by the Polish constitutional court banning abortions in case of fetal defects came into effect on Wednesday

The Polish Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro has filed a submission in the Constitutional Tribunal seeking a ban on the Communist Party of Poland (KPP) accusing it of adhering to a totalitarian ideology