The protesters also expressed support for the various social reforms presented by the Gustavo Petro government in the Congress that seek to transform the social reality of Colombia

The Institute of Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ) has warned that the number of massacres perpetrated in 2021 could surpass the total number of massacres committed in 2020. At the moment, the two figures are equal.

At 211 years of independence and six decades of armed conflict, Colombia remains mired in violence. ELN commander Aureliano Carbonell discusses the challenges to building peace

Meanwhile, four indigenous leaders were killed in other parts of the country as mobilizations took place in Bogotá.

The organizations of the Social Minga are demanding protection for social leaders, right to defend their land, right to democracy and the construction of peace in the country

After mobilizing for almost a month, enduring heavy police repression, the participants of the social Minga had lifted the blockade on the Pan-American Highway after receiving an assurance the president Ivan Duque would listen to their concerns

Mobilizations across Colombia demanded that the government of Ivan Duque respect the signed peace agreements

Indigenous and peasant communities in the South-West of Colombia are mobilizing against government policies and demanding the State respect prior agreements