Movement of People Affected by Dams
Two years on, “people are still dying,” says Brumadinho dam collapse victim

Without reparations, Vale’s victims fight against emotional ailments and fear not being alive when settlement is paid

Five years after the crime at Mariana, those affected remain homeless

Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo are experiencing construction delays; in Gesteira they haven’t even begun

Mining giant Vale enjoys impunity as victims suffer in Brumadinho

One year after the Brumadinho dam burst, nearly a million people are continuing to suffer the consequences of the carelessness of mining giant Vale.

One year since the Brumadinho disaster: locals struggle, Vale profits

The mining company has recovered its market value, while 93,000 people affected by dam burst will have relief payments cut in half

São Luís in the state of maranhão A day to honor struggles against extractivism and exploitation

On March 14, people across Brazil marched and demonstrated in defense of their right over their lands and resources, and against private transnational corporates stealing precious minerals

What’s known about the murder of a social leader in northern Brazil

A coordinator of the Movement of People Affected by Dams, her husband, and a friend were killed last week

How much is life worth-Vale Brazil dam collapse: Vale, the private giant responsible, has a history of flouting rules

The Brumadinho dam burst, the most recent instance in Vale’s long list of regulatory violations, has resulted in 121 deaths so far, with the number expected to rise