Pandemic relief bill
$15 wage dropped from COVID relief plan in US Senate, progressives vow to continue fight

The Democratic Party’s move to insert the USD 15 per hour wage was judged by the Senate rules arbiter to not be in line with the rules. In the meanwhile pressure is on Democratic Party legislators and leadership to ensure that the wage bill is passed

Fight for 15: Workers across the US strike for dignified wages

Pickets and demonstrations, led by workers from major fast food chains and home care workers, were reported in major cities across the US. The strike comes at a time when Democrats are trying to hike the federal minimum wage that has remained unchanged since 2009.

US Congress comes up with new COVID relief plan, but leaves much to be desired

The relief package will be the second-largest of its kind since the passing of the CARES Act in March, but is too little and too late for millions who have been pushed closer to poverty and instability by the pandemic

Workers suffer as US pandemic relief bill goes nowhere in Congress

As the COVID-19 pandemic spirals out of control in the United States, inaction and deadlock in the government have left workers to fend for themselves amid mounting unemployment.