Transgender rights activist, Morgan Artyuhkina, reflects on recent right-wing attacks on LGBTQ people in the United States on the 53rd anniversary of Stonewall

With the historic decision, Baja California and Sinaloa joined the list of 20 states that recognize marriage between people of the same sex with the approval of a reform in the local Congress

The community is calling the recently passed legislation the Transgender Persons’ (Violation of Rights) Bill.

In this episode, we look into the police repression in Indonesia, pride march in Poland, peasant women’s mobilizations in Brazil and the protests against a gold mine in UK’s Northern Ireland.

Defying the homophobic threats from the far-right, pride marches continue in Poland

Now, 50 years later, pride marchers are returning to the roots of the movement and raising political issues and matters of oppression of the community.

In this episode we discuss pride marches, protests against ICE in the US and the 49th Assembly of the Organization of American States in Colombia

On the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots LGBTQ prides across the Americas have taken on a very overtly political and radical stand, after years of being little more than apolitical spectacles