Resistance Committees (RCs)
Campesinos asesinados en el corazón agrícola de Sudán mientras el hambre asola el país devastado por la guerra

Mientras más de la mitad de la población del país devastado por la guerra pasa hambre, las tropas merodeadoras de las Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido (RSF) matan a cientos de campesinos y despoblan las aldeas del corazón agrícola de Sudán.

Farmers killed across Sudan’s agricultural heartland while hunger engulfs the war-torn county

While more than half the war-torn country’s population is suffering hunger, the marauding troops of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are killing farmers in their hundreds and depopulating the villages of Sudan’s agricultural heartland

War in Sudan engulfs agricultural heartland amid record levels of hunger

After capturing Gezira, a State in central Sudan that was producing half of its wheat and providing refuge to hundreds of thousands of IDPs, the RSF is set to battle the Sudanese Armed Forces for the neighboring states to consolidate control over the country’s agricultural heartland

With fighting expected to intensify between Sudan’s military rulers, civilians brace for the worst. Pro-democracy forces lead relief work

While its military rulers continue armed infighting, driving Sudan toward a humanitarian catastrophe, the radical grassroots organizations that were leading the pro-democracy mass protests against military rule have stepped up to the rescue of civilians

As Army and Rapid Support Forces battle it out, Sudanese left calls for restoring the revolution

The Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces have begun fighting each other. The root of the conflict lies in disagreements over integrating the paramilitary into the army. The Sudanese left has noted that both parties seek to escalate armed conflict, so that it can be used as a reason to not hand over power to civilian forces

Massive crackdown on protesters in Sudan

A week before the December 26 protests, nearly 500 people were injured on December 19 when security forces attacked demonstrators who were commemorating the fourth anniversary of the Sudanese Revolution

Sudan’s revolutionary forces reject transition deal, vow to continue resistance

The Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and Sudan’s military junta have signed an initial framework agreement for a ‘civilian-led’ transition. However, the agreement has been rejected by the country’s revolutionary forces as a betrayal of the December Revolution

Sudan protests A year after military coup in Sudan, pro-democracy protesters reiterate call of “No Compromise!”

While right-wing parties negotiate with the army to reach a power-sharing agreement coalesced by the US, the streets show the people’s determination to overthrow the junta, argues the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP)