Samsung Chennai strike completes a month amidst rising state repression

Both Samsung management and the government have refused to recognize the Samsung India Workers Union (SIWU), the primary demand of the striking workers

Solidarity protests erupt across Tamil Nadu as Samsung workers’ strike enters fourth week

Major left parties have called for a joint protest against the state government’s failure to recognize the SIWU and management’s anti-workers attitude on October 5.

Samsung workers in India continue their strike and demand recognition of union

According to CITU, Samsung spends less than 0.3% of its annual production value in India on labor costs, and has operated in the country for 16 years without any union

Defying threats of replacement, thousands of Samsung workers go on indefinite strike

The NSEU is making history in organizing the first ever mass actions in the 55 year history of the world’s largest memory chip maker

The US tech war on China and the 5G battlefield

It is certainly not game over for Huawei, as many tech analysts are concluding. They have already pronounced the game over twice, once over Google’s Android system denial, later on ARM processor ban

Samsung Samsung executives sentenced in South Korea for union-busting

26 senior executives and former employees of the Samsung Group have been sentenced to jail, while the company has been charged a minor fine for violating the country’s labor laws