Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil Pinto speaks about how people’s power continues to triumph against US imperialist meddling in the country
The president and foreign minister both championed the creation a multipolar world order and pushed for concrete solidarity with countries facing repeated imperialist onslaught
The US had temporarily eased some of the unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela following agreements between the government and the opposition about the upcoming elections
Bob Menendez, who spearheads the brutal US sanctions regime against several sovereign nations, was asked to resign after corruption charges were filed against him
Speaking at the UN General Assembly session, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel stressed the need for “changes that can no longer be postponed in the midst of the unjust, irrational and abusive international economic order”
More than 50 academics responded to Democratic senator who dismissed, without evidence, the humanitarian impacts of sanctions
Maduro deemed the meeting a “historic and transcendental event” and an important step to reactivating comprehensive joint work between the two countries
Solidarity activists continue to press US representatives to demand the end of deadly sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba.
Colombian president proposed an electoral timeline linked to the elimination of sanctions: ‘for the people to decide freely’
In an assault on free speech and freedom of the press, the European Union announced a ban on Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik news channels on Sunday after accusing them of spreading “toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe”
Today we look at the 22nd CELAC foreign ministers’ summit, the killing of 2 journalists amid clashes between 2 armed groups in Haiti, and more
Today we look at an investigation into an app used to spread right wing propaganda in India, the prosecution of 19 opposition leaders in Tunisia, and more