Hamas accepts UNSC ceasefire resolution, leaving the ball in Israel’s court

The US fails to backup claims that Israeli leaders support latest UNSC ceasefire resolution, introduced by the US

US veto on Palestinian UN membership criticized as “irresponsible” and “disappointing”

The session held on May 1 was in response to the US veto on the April 18 vote over Palestine’s UN membership

After 13 years, Palestine renews attempts to become full member of the UN

Though 140 out of 193 UN members already recognize Palestinian statehood, it will depend on the UNSC to finally decide the fate of Palestinian membership bid

The US and its allies refuse to condemn Israeli attacks on Iranian consulate in Syria

Iran and Syria claimed in the UN Security Council that the US is equally responsible for the Israeli attacks inside Syria but asserted that no amount of attacks can dissuade them from supporting Palestine

Protesters across Arab countries call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

People took to the streets in a number of countries across West Asia and North Africa after the UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire. However, Israel refused to heed the call and continued its attacks on Gaza on Tuesday

Rusia y China vetan la resolución de EE.UU. sobre Gaza por no exigir explícitamente un alto el fuego

Mientras Israel se prepara para una invasión terrestre de Rafah, la resolución que Estados Unidos redactó y presentó al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU se limitaba a señalar la “necesidad imperiosa” de alto el fuego inmediato en Gaza. Argelia, Rusia y China rechazaron la resolución, afirmando que no había cumplido la exigencia fundamental de un alto el fuego.

Arab countries ask Israel to open all crossings with Gaza and demand immediate ceasefire

The Palestinian Authority criticized repeated visits made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the region as futile for failing to make Israel comply with both the UN resolutions and ICJ’s interim orders

Russia and China veto US resolution on Gaza over failure to explicitly demand ceasefire

As Israel prepares for a ground invasion of Rafah, the US-authored resolution presented to the UN Security Council merely noted an “imperative” for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Algeria, Russia, and China rejected the resolution, stating that it had failed to deliver on the core demand for a ceasefire.

The International Court of Justice censures Israel for its genocidal war

The ICJ ruling on South Africa’s case against Israel marked a crucial victory for the Palestine solidarity movement and laid out Israel’s war crimes for the whole world to see

Israeli war in Gaza revives Arab solidarity with Palestine

Almost 90% of all respondents in a survey believe that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was legitimate act of resistance against Israeli occupation

Israel scrambles as support for South Africa’s case at the Hague increases

On January 11, the International Court of Justice will hear South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. Pretoria has received support from a growing list of countries as Israel’s ongoing bombardment has killed over 23,000 Palestinians.

Ceasefire “the only remaining hope” for Gazans, says UNRWA

Most international aid agencies have decried the non-implementation of last week’s watered-down UNSC resolution asking for increased humanitarian assistance to Gaza