Wage deflation and jobs gap continue to plague workers and the poor, who are caught between shrinking amount of products and the shrinking value of wages

In response to UPS’ lowball economic proposals, Teamsters challenged the company to provide a proposal that meets worker’s demands by June 30

Amid rising debt payments the Kenyan government has proposed new tax and levy regimes in the Finance Bill 2023. Unions and left forces, especially the Communist Party of Kenya, have argued that the measures will further burden workers while they are already struggling under an economic crisis

A new dossier by the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research examines the impact of years of neoliberal policies on the Indian working class and the long struggle by workers across sectors to protect their basic rights

Zimbabue ha anunciado planes para penalizar la contratación en el extranjero de sus trabajadores sanitarios. Más de 4.000 trabajadores sanitarios han abandonado el país desde 2021, mientras el sistema de salud pública sigue enfrentándose a problemas de bajos salarios y falta de infraestructuras.

Zimbabwe has announced plans to criminalize the foreign recruitment of its health workers. Over 4,000 health workers have left the country since 2021, as the public health system continues to face issues of low pay and lack of infrastructure

Trade unions in Spain have alleged that “employers and their organizations are making a reckless and suicidal bet on devaluation and wage freezes”