Hakainde Hichilema is likely to take the country further down the neoliberal path by wooing the IMF. Fred M’membe, the candidate of the newly formed Socialist Party, who came fifth, has called for a continuation of the struggle for a just and humane society

Today we look at the ongoing rapid advance of the Taliban across Afghanistan, the presidential and general elections in Zambia, and more

The spokesperson of the Socialist Party of Zambia, Rehoboth Kafwabulula spoke to Peoples Dispatch about the upcoming elections in Zambia and the key messages they are taking to the masses

A newcomer to the electoral scene, the Socialist Party is prioritizing health, education and peasant agriculture, and bringing to the forefront hitherto marginalized voices

Musumali was arrested along with nearly 30 other party workers while conducting a meeting. With the parliamentary by-elections only a month away, the ruling Patriotic Front has been cracking down on mobilizations and meetings by the opposition