More than 300,000 fires have been reported so far in 2024 across South America. The blazes have displaced hundreds and killed several. The causes of this tragedy must be sought in deep geopolitical injustices.
The continent’s most important national team football tournament was overshadowed by serious incidents on and off the field. Many point the finger at the South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) and the host country, the United States.
Milei y sus políticas neoliberales de extrema derecha representan un giro radical en un país gobernado por el progresismo durante los últimos veinte años
En una reciente reunión mundial, cientos de activistas de la salud se comprometieron a unir el movimiento por la salud con otros movimientos sociales progresistas. Su objetivo es formar una amplia coalición para un cambio radical que contrarreste las crisis del capitalismo y el imperialismo.
At a recent global gathering, hundreds of health activists committed to uniting the health movement with other progressive social movements. Their aim is to form a broad coalition for radical change to counter the crises of capitalism and imperialism
This is the first summit of its kind within the CELAC framework; agreements were presented at the presidential summit on Tuesday
Today we look at the UN’s report on rising acute food insecurity, mass displacement amid violence and massacres in Darfur, and more
The III Continental Assembly of ALBA Movements held in Argentina from April 27-30 concluded with a panel highlighting proposals and initiatives of people’s movements to transform the world.
Today we look at the 3rd Assembly of ALBA Movimientos, the ongoing boycott of Israeli courts by Palestinian administrative detainees, and more
Lee en inglés aqui La articulación continental ALBA Movimientos celebrará su tercera asamblea continental en Buenos Aires, Argentina desde el 27 de abril hasta el 1 de mayo. La plataforma compuesta por movimientos populares a lo largo y ancho de las Américas, espera más de 200 delegadas y delegados para discutir el momento político actual en la región y el mundo, evaluar el trabajo del último período y analizar las … Read more…
Today we look at the formal extradition order issued against Julian Assange, police repression of protests amid the crisis in Sri Lanka, and more
When the payment of debt seems to be the only way forward, voices within the ruling party argue why, at the very least, debt should be suspended and denounced in international organizations