ASHA workers
‘Modi govt says our work is essential, but calls us volunteers’

On March 15, over 500 scheme workers gathered in protest in New Delhi demanding recognition of their work, minimum wages, social security, and that the Narendra Modi-led BJP government fulfil its 2018 promise of a wage hike.

Asha workers India Week-long strike compels authorities to increase wages of health workers in Maharashtra, India

Around 67,000 Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) and 3,000 block workers will get a pay rise, as per the announcement by the State health department on Wednesday, June 23

India marks day of resistance as farmers’ struggle continues and other stories

Today we look at the day of resistance observed by farmers and workers in India, the crackdown on protestors in Iraq, and more

Mass detention of health workers in India; union to continue fight 

As many as 2,000 Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) were forcefully detained in the State of Andhra Pradesh on November 2. They were staging protests to demand the implementation of the National Health Mission guidelines

Why are care workers across India protesting?

A.R. Sindhu, General Secretary of All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers, talks about the issues faced by care workers and why they have launched a fresh wave of struggles

Workers, farmers give the call to “Save India”

On August 9, trade unions and farmers’ organizations across India will conduct a protest against the Narendra Modi government’s anti-worker policies which have intensified during the lockdown

COVID-19 crisis has reminded society of the importance of public services

On Public Service Day, we spoke to Jammu Anand of the Nagpur Municipal Corporation Employees Union in India. He spoke about the different crises being faced by the public sector right now.

Victims of neoliberalism, poor countries face consequences in healthcare systems

The Tricontinental Institute gathered reports from healthcare professionals and analyzed the situation in some countries

Health workers workers stage day-long protest in India demanding honorarium Health workers workers stage day-long protest in India demanding honorarium

Accredited Social Health Activists from the state of Andhra Pradesh in India demand the immediate release of honorariums and the withdrawal of a discriminatory grade points system that assesses their performance

India’s ASHA community health workers protest for wage hike and better working conditions

The strike in Bihar is part of a larger wave of mobilization against government apathy towards workers’ rights.