The potential for dwindling support among Black voters, particularly Black men, alarms Democratic Party operatives ahead of the election

The US president will waive 26 federal laws to facilitate the construction of 20 additional miles of the border wall, angering environmental, immigration, and Indigenous rights activists.

JetBlue, which became the first US airline in 50 years to fly direct to Cuba in 2016, is suspending all flights to the island due to “changes to the regulatory landscape”

Where are the voices that speak up against fascism, war, and propaganda, asks renowned journalist John Pilger as he surveys the past decade of dirty tricks perpetrated by the United States and its allies

President Joe Biden has renewed the Obama-era Executive Order 13692 against Venezuela, citing an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to US national security. The measure has been used to impose an illegal sanctions regime targeting the socialist country, its people, and its economy

Last week’s meeting between Syria and Turkey in Moscow show that Russia’s standing in the West Asian region is far from defined by the Ukraine conflict

Black August is a month to honor those who have died or been imprisoned in the fight for Black liberation in the United States, and a reminder that despite grave setbacks, the struggle lives on.

As a US extradition looms over Julian Assange and the Wikileaks founder continues to remain in prison without charge, we compile a list of the most important facets of his case that mainstream media often overlooked

Newly declassified Pentagon documents revealed the scale of devastation caused by flawed US intelligence as US forces bombed across various countries in West Asia.

Today we look at the results of Chile’s presidential elections, mass protests in Sudan on the 3rd anniversary of the December Revolution, and more

The failure of the successive governments in the US to shut Gitmo in which the majority of the detainees, past and present, were never charged with any crime formally, even after spending years in prison and suffering inhuman acts of torture, exposes their complete disregard to human rights.

20 years after the September 11 attacks, what has the United States turned into? What has been the impact of the forever wars domestically, and what kind of political and economic crises have beset the country? Eugene Puryear analyzes the US today