Breonna Taylor
Daily Round-Up | World’s top grain companies rake in record profits & other stories

In today’s episode, we take at stories of major grain companies raking in record profits, US airstrikes in Syria, attacks on Argentina’s Vice-President, and the latest from the trial of Breonna Taylor’s killing

Daily Round-up | Thousands march in Beirut on anniversary of 2020 chemical explosion & other stories

In today’s episode, we bring you stories of protests in Lebanon demanding justice for blast victims, the indictment of those responsible for Breonna Taylor’s killing, a Mexico-Bolivia treaty, and workers’ agitations in India

Two years since George Floyd’s death, has anything changed in the US?

The gains and setbacks in the movement for Black lives prove how racism is woven deeply into the fabric of capitalism and US society

West Asian countries are buying more arms: SIPRI report

In today’s episode, we take a look at the latest SIPRI report on the rise of arms imports by certain west Asian countries, the march in Australia protesting violence on women, the imposition of fresh sanctions on Syria and the developments in the Breonna Taylor case

Justice still not served for Breonna Taylor

Social movements and progressive organizations have reiterated that justice has not been served in Taylor’s case and they will keep fighting till all their demands are met.

Black lives still don’t matter in America

A welcome change in national leadership in the US means little for the scourge of racism infecting the nation—unless words are matched by action

2020: The year of united struggles against racism

Despite the pandemic, people and movements across the world rose up, time and again, united, against racism.

Breonna_Taylor_Memorial_Louisville_Kentucky Justice not served in Breonna Taylor murder case

A Kentucky jury charged only one of the three officers accused in Breonna Taylor’s murder with minor felonies, which carry a maximum sentence of five years each. The wrongful death lawsuit against the other two accused was rejected

No indictment for Breonna Taylor’s killers

The protests were triggered after a jury in the US State of Kentucky refused to charge the three officers involved in the fatal shooting of medical worker Breonna Taylor.

Movements in the US continue on the streets in demand of structural changes

Protesters across the US have remained on the streets for over a month to demand justice for victims of police brutality and immediate structural changes to the capitalist racist system

Black Lives Matter protests continue in cities across the US

Over a month after the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers, protests continue to rage on in dozens of cities across the United States with demands for structural change

A month after George Floyd’s death, what has changed?

The protests that erupted over the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis has changed the way US sees itself