La Asamblea Mundial por la Salud de los Pueblos que tendrá lugar en Colombia marcará un hito en la lucha por el derecho a la salud
El Movimiento por la Salud de los Pueblos se moviliza para la 5ª Asamblea Mundial por la Salud de los Pueblos, que tendrá lugar en Cali (Colombia) en diciembre de este año.
People’s Health Assembly in Colombia will be a milestone in struggles for right to health
The People’s Health Movement is mobilizing for the 5th People’s Health Assembly, which will take place in Cali, Colombia, in December this year
Hundreds of Palestinians injured in Israeli raid on Al-Aqsa mosque and other stories
Today we look at the violent raid by Israeli forces on the Al-Aqsa mosque, the armed attack on an Indigenous minga in Colombia, and more
Massacre in Cali amid National Strike in Colombia
Reports from human rights defenders estimate that at least eight people were killed by police on April 30 in the protests in Cali