Carbon Emissions
Carbon emissions from richest 1% pose fatal threat to humanity

The richest 1% of the world’s population has emitted the same amount of carbon as the poorest two-thirds. The emissions by the ultra-wealthy in 2019 alone were enough to kill 1.3 million people

Assembly of the Peoples of the Earth for the Amazon: movements launch collective letter with demands for heads of state

The document calls for concrete actions for the recovery of the Amazon biome and land titling for Indigenous and quilombola communities

Hypocrisy of rich countries: Ignoring the storage problems in rich countries

A low fossil fuel path needs grid-level storage costs to drop drastically. Pretending this is not necessary is hypocritical of wealthy countries

Mapping Faultlines: At COP27, Loss and Damage Fund is a positive but equity takes a back seat

NewsClick’s Prabir Purkayastha talks about the recently-concluded COP27 summit in Egypt and its outcomes. He analyzes how equity is increasingly taking a back set in these negotiations

Carbon emissions No sign of cut in carbon emissions, 2022 set to touch record high

The current trend suggests that humanity would pump record-high carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, raising the temperature well above the 1.5-degree Celsius limit in just nine years

US to close Red Hill facility that poisoned Hawaii’s water supply and other stories

Today we look at a missile attack by Israeli on Syria, the Pentagon’s decision to shut down the Red Hill tank farm in Hawai’i, and more

Mapping Faultlines: Three ways to understand COP26 and climate change

NewsClick’s Prabir Purkayastha talks about the key issues at stake at the COP26 negotiations in Glasgow. How do we understand emissions from various countries and the issue of justice on issues of climate?

Biden brings lip service with minimal concrete action to COP26

The scale of US policy on climate change fails to match up with its contributions to the global climate catastrophe

US deportations of Haitian migrants could violate international law and other stories

Today we look at the conditions of migrants at the US-Mexico border, protests against Germany’s genocide reconciliation agreement in Namibia, and more

Worst air in the world? Salt Lake City, Utah

Air pollution levels in Salt Lake City, Utah reached dangerous new highs following the wildfires in the region which have increased in recent years due to climate-change fueled droughts

Trawling ocean floor for fishing can release carbon equal to air travel: Study

The practice of bottom trawling, according to the study, pumps out carbon amounting to about 1 gigaton every year. Marine sediments happen to be the largest reservoir of carbon in the world

Carbon emission data during pandemic lockdowns provides insights on challenges ahead

Carbon emissions saw a significant dip due to the global lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, even this forced decline will be nowhere close to enough to meet the aims of the Paris Agreement