The assembly released a final statement reaffirming their solidarity with Venezuela and denouncing the imperialist attacks on its sovereignty and right to self-determination

The ‘Che Guevara’ Internationalist Brigade culminated its activities on February 22 in Venezuela

The ‘Che Guevara’ Internationalist Brigade culminated its activities on Friday February 22 after 6 days of sharing with communities and organizations across Venezuela

Teams of the Che Guevara Internationalist Youth Brigade visited an agro-ecology center which seeks to disrupt the capitalist logic of seeing food as a commodity, and an urban community which has constructed their own homes on land expropriated from a multi-national firm

With the slogan “socialism is the way forward” the members of the brigade embarked on a three day journey to various parts of the country to learn from movements and communities that are in the process of building people’s power.