El histórico revolucionario peruano Héctor Béjar convoca a las fuerzas progresistas y de izquierda a relacionarse urgentemente con el proletariado de hoy y contrarrestar el ascenso de la derecha
Lifelong Peruvian revolutionary Héctor Béjar called on progressive and left forces to urgently engage with the proletariat of today and counteract the rise of the right
The West’s disregard of concerns from the Global South on reforms of international financial institutions and climate change, as well as attempts to use the forum for geopolitical gains, has made consensus elusive
At least 49 African countries will take part in the Russia-Africa summit that will begin in St. Petersburg on July 27. The food sovereignty of African countries is likely to be high on the agenda and the summit will try to finalize the establishment of a new grain deal fitting their needs
The deal was considered necessary to ease the impact on food prices in poorer countries amid the war in Ukraine. However, almost half of the Ukrainian grain went to developed and rich countries in Western Europe
A report by the World Food Program identifies 18 hunger hotspots across 22 countries where acute food insecurity is expected to increase in the period from June to November 2023. 15.3 million people are at risk of high acute food insecurity in Afghanistan
The leaders agreed to unite efforts to allow the exchange of basic food products and essential goods under better conditions, with the priority of lowering the costs
The UN team and non-governmental organizations working jointly on the island nation under the Humanitarian Needs and Priorities (HNP) Plan announced the revision and extension of HNP targets on November 8
Since March 2022, Pakistan has been experiencing an unprecedented heatwave and a series of extreme climate events ranging from flash floods to forest fires. Experts have expressed concerns about the catastrophic impact on the health and livelihoods of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in the country
“Anti-Russia sanctions have made this situation worse and now we do not have access to grain from Russia, especially wheat,” said AU chairperson Macky Sall following a meeting with Vladimir Putin on June 3
The protesters have insisted on an allocation of 105 million Bulgarian Levs (USD 60 million) in the 2020 budget of the Bulgarian Food Safety Authority
The creative protest denounced how the right-wing government’s neoliberal economic policies have violated the most fundamental right to food for many sectors of society