Food sovereignty
Students and peasants in Tanzania join hands to mark World Food Sovereignty Day

MVIWATA brought together students and farmers for activities to discuss the importance of agroecology and food sovereignty across Tanzania and Africa.

Health activists picket against high cost of nutritious food on World Food Day

On World Food Day, activists from PHM South Africa held a picket, protesting soaring prices of healthy food

Lobbies give ultra-processed food corporates new avenues to influence food policy

New research illustrates the complex web of ultra-processed food (UPF) producers and influence groups, and their influence on food and health policy making worldwide

The global peasant movement in Bogotá proclaims: “We defend life, that of peasants and the entire planet”

The 8th Conference of La Via Campesina is being held in Bogotá amid a scenario of multiple global crises. The organization is also celebrating 30 years of work

Héctor Béjar: “Hay que vincularse con ese gigantesco precariado que es el proletariado de hoy día”

El histórico revolucionario peruano Héctor Béjar convoca a las fuerzas progresistas y de izquierda a relacionarse urgentemente con el proletariado de hoy y contrarrestar el ascenso de la derecha

Héctor Béjar: “We must have contact with that gigantic precariat that is today’s proletariat”

Lifelong Peruvian revolutionary Héctor Béjar called on progressive and left forces to urgently engage with the proletariat of today and counteract the rise of the right

Second Africa-Russia summit Russia-Africa summit may discuss corridor to transport grain and fertilizers

At least 49 African countries will take part in the Russia-Africa summit that will begin in St. Petersburg on July 27. The food sovereignty of African countries is likely to be high on the agenda and the summit will try to finalize the establishment of a new grain deal fitting their needs

Tanzania farmers Tanzanian farmers mobilize for agroecology, food sovereignty and Pan-Africanism

On November 17-18, over 400 smallholder farmers gathered for the 27th annual meeting of MVIWATA or the National Network of Small-Scale Farmers Groups in Tanzania. Peoples Dispatch spoke to them about their struggle for dignity and justice

Sri Lanka food crisis Multidimensional crisis of food insecurity in Sri Lanka, warns UN 

With nearly 5.7 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, Colombo faces a serious challenge with food shortages, fall in agricultural production and destruction of livelihoods

Women’s struggle in Nicaragua: from liberation fighters to building an alternative society

Erika Takeo and Rohan Rice reflect on the advancement of women in Nicaragua since the Sandinista revolution

S’bu Zikode: Food sovereignty from the perspective of the urban poor

Presentation by S’bu Zikode to the United Nations Food Systems Summit: A Critical dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food on 16 September 2021

Workers in India go on strike for living wages and social protection and other stories

Today we look at a strike by government scheme workers in India, a violent eviction drive by police in the Indian state of Assam, and more