The COP29 showed once again that global north countries have no interest in addressing their extensive role in the climate crisis and instead offer false solutions that further disadvantage countries in the Global South.
No se puede encontrar la claridad en la Casa Blanca, en el número 10 de Downing Street o en el Palacio del Elíseo. Se encuentra en las palabras de la gente corriente de estos países que está desconsolada por la violencia.
Clarity is not to be sought in the White House, in No. 10 Downing Street, or in the Élysée Palace. It is found in the words of ordinary people in these countries who are heartsick regarding the violence
Worries surrounding the health workforce shortage in Europe continues to grow, yet plans largely fail to include pay rises for workers in the sector
Inflation in the US, which is cutting workers’ real earnings in the country, is also spilling out into the rest of the world creating a crisis in the Global South
George Poe Williams from the National Health Workers Union of Liberia comments on the recent outcome of the WTO Ministerial Conference and the disappointment this has caused among health workers
Baba Aye from Public Services International (PSI) looks back at the major discussion points and highlights of the 75th World Health Assembly
The total COVID-19 cases in Africa has now crossed 7.5 million, yet less than 2% of the continent’s population has been vaccinated
Testing is crucial to combat the pandemic. But with all the funds and attention going towards vaccines, diagnostics is suffering, impeding key steps to curb the spread of the virus