Higher education
Kenya’s High Court delivers blow to neoliberal university funding model

Kenya’s high court sided with students and declared the recently proposed higher education funding model unconstitutional

Students take over university buildings in Argentina to demand funding for education

Dozens of faculties have been taken over by university students in Argentina in response to President Milei’s veto of a law to refinance the budget of higher education institutions.

Hundreds of thousands mobilize in defense of public education in Argentina, Milei still vetoes financing law

The national march for education on October 2 was the largest protest to date against Milei’s harsh neoliberal measures, yet the libertarian head of state refused to budge.

Kenya’s students reject new funding model

Kenyan students have been on the streets to protest a new funding model for higher education that they claim limits access to education

Students, professors, and admin workers call for resistance against Milei’s attacks on public universities

Several associations of students and workers in Argentine universities have called on their members and supporters to take to the streets against the plan of Javier Milei’s government to reduce the budget of university institutions.

11-04 Stdents' Protests - Serbia Serbian student groups protest new state-wide exam to qualify for higher education

The Serbian government is pushing the long pending plan to introduce Državna matura, a new state-wide qualifying exam for high school students to get admission into higher educational institutes

Why 9,000 Rutgers University workers are on strike

The labor struggle has been intensifying in US higher education, as more and more graduate workers and faculty are fighting and winning key demands

6-03 Students' Protest - Serbia Students protest large increase in tuition fees at University of Belgrade in Serbia

Many faculties at the university have decided to increase tuition fees from the autumn session of the academic year 2023-24. The hikes range from 9.1% to 46.8%

Artists' Protest - Greece Artists across Greece slam presidential decree degrading arts education

Presidential Decree 85/2022, which was endorsed by the conservative New Democracy (ND)-led government, equates graduates of drama schools, conservatories, film schools, and dance schools with high school graduates

Biggest academic strike in US history continues

Postdoctoral employees and academic researchers at the University of California have reached a tentative agreement with the UC system. However, will continue the strike action in solidarity with the 36,000 graduate student employees whose demands are yet to be met

The strike by University of California student workers is entering its third week. What’s at stake?

Over 48,000 student workers are on strike for fair wages, support for parents, job security, and more. On Tuesday, the United Auto Workers, which is organizing the students, announced that the bargaining teams for Academic Researchers and Postdocs had secured tentative agreements

Global health education in Greece threatened by commodification

Professors and postgraduate students of tuition-free Master’s Programs in Public Health and Health Policy, and Primary Health Care find themselves locked out of the Medical School classrooms in Thessaloniki