Biden’s legacy: genocide abroad, economic despair at home

From rolling back the pandemic-era social safety net, to overseeing the largest inflationary crisis in decades, Biden’s legacy was one of economic despair

Negligent landlords strike again in the Bronx: apartment fire displaces over 200

The five-alarm fire in the Bronx sheds light on how landlords are extracting profit by maximizing the suffering of their tenants, and how New York City is doing little to stop it

Biden blames increase on homeless on migration—sidelining cost of living and unaffordability crisis

A report from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development revealed that there was a an 18% increase in homelessness in 2023

How a New York landlord exploited anti-immigrant propaganda in Aurora, Colorado

Peoples Dispatch spoke to Aurora community organizer Nate Kassa on CBZ Management’s weaponization of anti-migrant rhetoric

Migrant health in Chicago suffers due to lack of planning and support

As migrants continue to arrive in Chicago, the city struggles to provide adequate shelter and health care for the new arrivals

Why are there no slums in China?

Walking through China’s cities, you will quickly notice the absence of large slums or pervasive homelessness common to the rest of the world

Operation Dudula South Africa South Africa’s social movements lead resistance to organized xenophobia and state inaction

Since 2021, a ‘vigilante’ group called Operation Dudula has carried out actions targeting people perceived to be foreign nationals. A group of social movements, including the militant shack dwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), have gone to court against Operation Dudula and the alleged complicity of the South African state

Is China’s housing market in trouble?

What is the actual situation of the real estate market in China and what is the government doing?

NYC tenants say: the rent is too damn high!

This weekend, thousands of tenants are expected to protest the proposed Rent Guidelines Board rent hikes on rent stabilized tenants

“South Africa’s freedom serves the interest of a few while the majority lives in deep poverty”

S’bu Zikode, President of Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), South Africa’s shack dwellers’ movement, talks about UnFreedom Day which is marked by the organization in April every year.

The poor are bearing the brunt of California’s storms

As the West Coast of the US faces torrential rains and harsh wind, California’s 172,000 homeless people face two storms: natural disaster and state indifference

“This racist council’s got to go!”: Crisis in Los Angeles City Council following leaked recording

“They have verbalized what they have been doing for the last five years,” said L.A. activist Kenia Alcocer after a leaked recording revealed City Council members making racist remarks