IMF bailout package
Mientras Pakistán avanza hacia otro rescate del FMI, la miseria acecha a su población

Islamabad se prepara para aplicar medidas de austeridad más estrictas con la esperanza de acceder a los desembolsos de los préstamos del FMI, que están paralizados, mientras la población del país se enfrenta a la escasez de alimentos y a niveles récord de inflación.

Daily Round-up| Ecuadorian movements on indefinite national strike and more stories

In today’s episode we take a look at the strike by Ecuadorian people’s movements, the resignation of the Sadrists in Iraq and the violence in Sudar’s Darfur

State of emergency declared in Ecuador amid mass protests

Thousands mobilized today across Ecuador in rejection of the new set of neoliberal economic measures announced by Lenin Moreno on Tuesday, 277 were detained

Pakistan MKP protest MKP to embark on nationwide march against price hike on June 21

The march comes in the background of the recent IMF bailout package which would lead to the cutting of crucial subsides for the country’s poor.