international relations
United States destabilizing East Asia: a regional perspective

Speakers from across East Asia and the Pacific participated in a webinar organized by No Cold War regarding the attempts by the US to destabilize and dominate the region.

Relations deteriorate between Argentina and Brazil

The Brazilian ambassador in Buenos Aires, Julio Bitelli, was recalled for consultations by Lula’s government in the midst of tensions with Argentine president Javier Milei

Russia and North Korea sign Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement

Moscow and Pyongyang pledge to assist each other militarily against foreign aggression as US escalates military drills in Korean peninsula

Peru’s lonely road on Boluarte’s shoulders: what’s next for the Pacific Alliance?

“The de facto president is only sustained by the support of the US. I dare say that Peru has never been so alone,” writes Maria Fe Celi Reyna

Obsolete Cold War attitudes are holding Europe back

Europe desperately needs an independent foreign policy, and this notion is gaining support as the economic crisis across the region deepens

El alto precio de la relación entre Guatemala y Taiwan

Tsai, la líder de Taiwan, lucha por mantener el escaso apoyo diplomático con el que aún cuenta en la región.

The high price of the Guatemala-Taiwan relationship

Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen is struggling to maintain what little diplomatic support she still has in Latin America