Long before US extradition request, the streets of Honduras cried, ‘Get out JOH narco-dictator’

Former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández is accused of drug trafficking-related crimes and the US has sought the extradition of its former ally. For the people of the country, his ‘narco-dictatorship’ was a well-known fact

Another migrant caravan leaves from Honduras towards the US border

Social and economic conditions in the country continue to worsen while the institutional crisis also deepens following the drug trafficking conviction of the president’s brother in a US court

A new migrant caravan leaves from Honduras for the US

Over 3,000 Hondurans have embarked on a perilous journey to the US in the absence of a response from the far-right government of President Juan Orlando Hernández to the socio-economic crisis in the country

100 days since the forced disappearance of Honduran Garífuna leaders

The Afro-descendant and Indigenous Garifuna community of Honduras continues to demand the safe return of the five members of their community abducted by armed men dressed in police and military uniforms in July

Honduran President accused of taking bribes from drug traffickers

During the trial of Tony Hernández, a US prosecutor alleged that his brother, President Juan Orlando Hernández received 1.5 million in bribes

Anti-mining camp in Honduras evicted by state forces

Nearly 1,500 police and soldiers invaded the anti-mining camp, firing at the protesters who were struggling to defend and protect their land and water