General practitioner Hanne Bosselaers sheds light on the importance of health work in maintaining a sense of community and resistance in Palestine, and solidarity actions that health workers can join

Health activists and scientists in Europe met to develop strategies to build regional public pharmaceutical infrastructure as pandemic lessons seems lost on governments and producers

A growing number of organizations in Europe is demanding a complete overhaul of regional pharma policies in order to protect people’s health over profits

In response to increasing misogyny and restrictions on reproductive rights, groups within Belgium are pushing back demanding that abortion be allowed within 18 weeks from conception

Medics for the People’s health center in Deurne, Antwerp, provides health care to thousands of people who would otherwise face financial barriers to access

At ManiFiesta, the fest of solidarity, Medics for the People sparked discussions about pressing problems in the health system in Belgium, offering people-centered, public alternatives

Medics for the People has been providing primary health care to people in Belgium for more than 50 years. They recently launched a new mission statement outlining their main streams of work for the upcoming period

At the unity congress of the Workers’ Party of Belgium, Peter Mertens stepped down from the presidency after 13 significant years during which it became one of the prominent Marxist parties in Europe

The various members of Belgium’s coalition government have refused to back a proposal for a patent waiver on COVID-19 vaccines. Belgium and other European governments are under increasing pressure to accept the demand

Workers at the Jupille factory of the multinational brewery AB InBev went on a 13-day strike against alleged insensitivity that resulted in the spreading of COVID-19 among some employees

Participants in the rally held on September 13 denounced the commodification of healthcare and demanded massive refinancing of health services in the country through investments in infrastructure

Health workers organized mobilizations in major cities across the country on June 16, demanding structural refinancing of healthcare, increased staff, employment guarantees and better wages