Ileana Morales from the Cuban Ministry of Public Health talks about the how the country is resisting the US blockade and the secret of the country’s renowned medical system

As of May 2022, 605,000 health workers from Cuba have served in 165 countries and have dealt with emergency programs for the response to infectious disease, relief work after hurricanes and earthquakes and provision of primary health care

Cuba puts people before profits – showing the world an alternative to the monopolistic practices of Big Pharma. It promotes a public health system, state-funded research and shows global solidarity through tech transfer and vaccine delivery to developing countries

Cuba is the only country in the Latin American and the Caribbean region that is working to develop its own vaccines against COVID-19. The country has four vaccine candidates. Two of them, Soberana 02 of the Finlay Vaccine Institute (IFV) and Abdala of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), will begin the third phase of clinical trials in March

Vijay Prashad spoke with Cuban doctors about their experiences serving in medical brigades and their commitment to serving humanity

Amid continued attacks on Cuban doctors who are on the front-lines of battling COVID-19 across the world, Vijay Prashad makes a case for why they deserve the Nobel Peace Prize

The efforts by Cuba’s Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade have been the most significant example of medical internationalism during the COVID-19 pandemic. The brigade was set up in 2005 by Fidel Castro.

Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK discusses the campaign to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Cuba’s Henry Reeve medical brigade

The solidarity work of Cuban doctors is a decades-long effort in medical internationalism whose roots go to the Cuban Revolution of 1959