Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
Naledi Pandor: “The most progressive thing to do is unite and [take] action”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa spoke in the first day of the III International Dilemmas of Humanity Conference and called for progressive organizations to unite and intensify international solidarity

The West is experiencing a contraction of its power, not necessarily its decline

The strategists of the hegemonic country of the West, the US, without realizing the flagrant contraction, show unlimited ambition.

Why peace and disarmament are at the heart of nonalignment

As our world spirals toward nuclear war, there has never been a greater need for a new global balancing, a rejection of great power war, exploitation, and aggression

Cuba’s nonalignment: A foreign policy of peace and socialism

In Cuba, “nonalignment” has never meant being neutral, and has always meant being opposed to attempts to divide humanity

Europe is at a crossroads of neoliberalism and the aspirations of the people

European leaders act like they are being backed into a corner, but where there’s a will, there’s a way.

India has a key role to play in a possible new world order

For India and other countries in the Global South, this moment offers challenges and provides glimpses of a possibility of a new world

Why Latin America needs a new world order

Latin America does not want a new cold war. The region has already suffered from decades of military rule and austerity. Latin America wants peace.

Why nonalignment is an urgent imperative for the Global South

As the US escalates its new cold war against Russia and China, there is now an urgent imperative to reject this cold war mentality of wanting to divide the world along old acrimonious lines