After a month in detention, Palestinian-Italian activist and researcher Khaled el Qaisi has been released on bail by an Israeli court although he has been banned from traveling outside Palestine. As uncertainty remains regarding El Qaisi’s freedom and safety, his family and those campaigning for his release have urged people to remain vigilant

The union has been at the forefront of the working class struggles against the anti-people policies of the Mario Draghi government in Italy. Progressive groups have extended solidarity with the USB and denounced the raid as a ploy to discredit and villainize the union.

Working class formations in Italy have mobilized on numerous occasions to block the transit of arms through Italian ports and airstrips and protest the complicity of the Italian government in imperialist wars.

The offensive military alliance has been at the heart of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which has led many to question the alliance itself and what it means to be part of it. Giuliano Brunetti of Potere al Popolo talks about the Italian left’s perspective

On October 9, during a demonstration against the government’s measures to limit the spread of the pandemic, right-wing nationalist forces attacked the headquarters of the major union CGIL in Rome. What lies behind that assault and how can it be framed?

The working class across Italy has been devastated by the crisis inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the austerity driven policies of neo-liberal governments.

Workers’ unions and progressive student groups in Italy have been protesting attacks on workers rights, government’s insensitive COVID-19 policies and fascist attacks on the workers.

Local elections will take place in over 1,300 municipalities of Italy on October 3 and 4. What is the general political context leading into these elections and how is the left organizing to bring an alternative voice into local institutions?

The strike by Amazon workers and drivers in Italy on March 22 was historic in the coming together of those employed by the corporate and third-party companies. Giuliano Granato talks about the context of the strike

On December 30, an Italian court convicted three No TAV activists, including Fabiola De Costanzo, for their role in an agitation in 2012. The No TAV movement is opposed to the construction of the Turin-Lyon high speed Railway project

Maurizio Coppola talks about the strike organized by migrant workers in Italy in response to a government proposal to temporarily regularize the statuses of some migrant workers. Migrant workers demand dignified conditions and access to rights

Giuliano Granato of Potere al Popolo discusses how the devastating COVID-19 outbreak has impacted Italy’s working class