Health network Jan Swasthya Abhiyan recently launched the People’s Health Manifesto, calling upon all parties running in India’s election to commit to improve the quality and access to care in the country
Healthcare workers speak out against the slaughter of Palestinian health workers and and bombing of hospitals by Israel
Health groups in France continue to mobilize for alternatives to Macron’s plans to further slash health and social security budget
Frontline health workers have issued a joint document calling on governments and international agencies to recognize and uphold their essential rights
75 years after its establishment, the NHS continues to enjoy strong support among health workers and patients, but struggles under the burden of divestment and prioritization of the private sector
The delegates representing the migrant population were elected at the Open National Conference on the Health of Migrant Populations. They will present 20 proposals for the for the Unified Health System (SUS)
El Movimiento por la Salud de los Pueblos se moviliza para la 5ª Asamblea Mundial por la Salud de los Pueblos, que tendrá lugar en Cali (Colombia) en diciembre de este año.
The People’s Health Movement is mobilizing for the 5th People’s Health Assembly, which will take place in Cali, Colombia, in December this year
Millions are to lose Medicaid/CHIP benefits in the coming months as pre-pandemic income eligibility restrictions have returned
Public sector workers in the UK have a statutory duty under the ‘Prevent’ strategy to report ‘signs of radicalization’. The program is notorious for targeting Muslims and uses key services like healthcare to implement discriminatory ‘counter-terror’ tactics
Israel is targeting health and social organizations in Palestine and deliberately disrupting their work. The impact on the health of Palestinians is enormous
Indian prisons have been at the receiving end of multiple critics who argue that their treatment of prisoners is in gross violation of not just international human rights standards, but also the country’s law itself