Camacho, who has been in preventive detention since December 2022 under various cases, now stands accused of the crimes of breach of duty for alleged irregularities in the purchase of a fire truck

Bolivian journalist Ollie Vargas talks about the massive protests that have broken out in the country following the authorities’ decision to postpone the presidential elections yet again

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales has condemned the interim government for the dictatorial measure

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales pointed out that “fascism and racism have been reborn” in Bolivia and that “the de-facto government itself is promoting inequality”

The presidential candidate of the Movement for Socialism in Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora, talks about COVID-19 being used as a pretext to postpone elections, the economic policies of the coup government, and the approach his party plans to take

Elena Flores, the union leader of the association of coca leaf farmers of the Yungas region, has been at the forefront of resisting the advance of paramilitarism in the region and the coup regime

Incoming President Luis Lacalle Pou showed the allegiance of his administration with Uruguay’s withdrawal from UNASUR and the interruption of the withdrawal process from the TIAR

Morales had just won a presidential election in October for a term that would have begun in January 2020

Members of Evo Morales’ party the Movement Towards Socialism have faced constant and brutal persecution by the de-facto government since Morales was overthrown in a civic military coup last November

MAS successfully filed the nomination of all its candidates for the upcoming general elections in Bolivia in spite of political persecution and attempts to obstruct their participation by the coup regime

Luis Arce, the presidential candidate of the socialist MAS party, denounced that the de-facto government is trying to impede his participation in the general elections on May 3

Plurinational State Day was commemorated with several peaceful mobilizations across the country, demanding the restoration of democracy after the civic-military coup against President Evo Morales in November