STF justice overturns evidence from the Odebrecht Construction Company’s leniency agreement in Operation Car Wash

In this episode, NewsClick’s Prabir Purkayastha talks about the recent Brazilian elections and the performance of former President Lula da Silva and incumbent Jair Bolsonaro. He also analyzes the global significance of the elections

Eight of the 11 judges at the Federal Supreme Court decided to annul Lula’s sentences from the Lava Jato operation

Minister Cármen Lúcia changed her vote from 2018 and flipped the ruling against the former judge Sérgio Moro

In this episode, we look at global International Women’s Day celebrations as well as the recent ruling that overturned the convictions against former Brazilian president Lula da Silva.

Daniel Giovanaz, reporter with Brasil de Fato, talks to Peoples Dispatch about the overturning of all convictions in former Brazilian president Lula da Silva’s case.

We take a look at the strike by Santiago Subway workers in Chile, the deaths of over 12 minors during a military operation in Colombia, congressional approval of the 1.9 trillion dollar Covid relief bill in the US, an appeal by low income and poor countries to WTO to waive vaccine patents, and the annulment of the criminal convictions against Brazil’s former progressive president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

In a press conference held at the headquarters of the Metalworkers Union, the former president criticized Bolsonaro, “Brazil does not belong to him or the militia members”

In today’s episode we take a look at the decision by a Brazilian Supreme Court Judge annulling the criminal convictions against former president Lula da Silva, the start of the trial of former police officer charged with the murder of George Floyd, the upcoming vote of confidence in Libya, the protests across Latin America and the Carribbean on International Women’s Day, and the possible reasons behind the explosion of the SpaceX SN10 Starship rocket

On Monday March 8, Minister Edson Fachin declared the incompetence of the Federal Justice of Parana in the triplex, Atibaia, and Lula institute cases

The video with the confession was shared during a legal process against the president in the Supreme Court

Brazil’s Justice Minister quits Bolsonaro government over alleged “political interference”