Social movements
Cry of the Excluded marks 30 years defending “true independence” in Brazil

A mass mobilization will be held on September 7, the date on which Brazilian independence is celebrated, under the motto “All life is worthy of care. But who cares?”

Decent health care requires dignified attention to each patient

Yogesh Jain, a communist doctor practicing in rural central India, recently visited South Africa. He spoke to Richard Pithouse about his impressions after his visit

What do the upcoming US elections mean for the working class of the US?

With the US set to hold the most significant elections in recent history, Claudia de la Cruz analyzes the possible outcomes and opportunities

COVID-19 in Brazil: The people’s response

Jessy Dayane of Levante Popular da Juventude talks about the impressive response of Brazil’s movements to the pandemic.

Change that comes from women: female leadership at the forefront of social struggles

Women’s presence in social movements has never been so consistent and more and more, they are in the frontlines

Colombian social movements draw roadmap for resistance to Duque’s government

During the National Meeting of Social and Political Organizations for the defense of life, land, democracy and peace, social and political organization decided to call for a national strike in the coming months