Vice President under Rafael Correa, Glas was kidnapped from the Mexican embassy by the Noboa government

Argentine Minister of Security made statements accusing Bolivia and Chile of hosting Iranian soldiers and members of Hezbollah, in a clear escalation against its neighbors

Más de 1.000 personas participaron en la Cumbre de los Pueblos que reunió a los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe y de Europa

The recent summit of South American presidents in Brasilia, convened by President Lula Da Silva, was a practical reflection of the political-electoral shift towards the progressive camp in the region. Venezuela has been a key player in this process

The government of Colombian President Gustavo Petro decided to rejoin the regional integration organization UNASUR hours after Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva emphasized on the importance of revitalizing the group

UNASUR was founded in May 2008, with the objective to build regional integration in the cultural, economic, social and political areas while respecting the diversity of each of the member nations

In part one of this two-part interview, Stedile discussed the major challenges facing the incoming Lula government, the Bolsonarista blockades, and Lula’s priorities for foreign relations.

For India and other countries in the Global South, this moment offers challenges and provides glimpses of a possibility of a new world

Latin America does not want a new cold war. The region has already suffered from decades of military rule and austerity. Latin America wants peace.