Several countries have condemned the court’s decision and termed the warrant against the Syrian president a violation of international law
New and existing conflicts and wars remain the largest contributor in forcing people to leave their homes followed by climate catastrophes such as prolonged droughts and frequent floods
Syria claims Israeli air strike coincided with another attack by the terrorist groups who control a part of the country in the north
Syria is seeking Chinese support for the economic revival and reconstruction of the country, devastated by more than a decade of war and continuing US and Turkish occupation
The presence of US troops in the country’s north-east has been termed as occupation by the Syrian government, which accuses them of stealing the region’s oil resources and backing anti-government forces to prolong the war in the country
A couple of delegations of US Congress persons and the US ambassador to Turkey paid illegal visits to areas held by anti-Assad forces on Sunday. Meanwhile, Israel conducted airstrikes inside Syria in recent days
In a statement issued after its contact group meeting in Cairo, the Arab League also underlined the need for better coordination among the host countries to facilitate return of Syrian refugees
Nearly half of Syria’s pre-war population of a little over 20 million was displaced due to the war which began in 2011. Almost six million of those displaced have become refugees, mostly in neighboring countries
The UN Security Council has so far failed to take any action on Syria’s repeated complaints about Israeli violations of its sovereignty which is endangering regional peace
Syria has allowed the continuation of the cross-border aid program in the rebel-held areas in its north-east even though the UN Security Council had failed to adopt a resolution on its extension earlier this month
Syria has long maintained that all aid to the country should flow through the government as the current mechanism violates its sovereignty and prolongs the war
The Syrian government has opposed the cross-border aid through the Turkish border claiming it violates its sovereignty and is used by anti-government forces to transfer arms. Instead, it wants the aid to flow through the government machinery