2023 has already seen a number of climatic anomalies that set new historical records in the tragic progression of climate change at the global level. These have led to droughts, fires, and water scarcity

It is clear that the increasing frequency and severity of heat waves are not mere anomalies but evidence of a sustained transformation in a weather pattern caused by climate change.

In the hands of capital, ‘clean’ natural gas is worse than ‘dirty’ coal. But rich nations have devised an elaborate system to conceal facts and shift blame to poorer nations

After a years-long push by the global South, the UN climate conference will discuss funding for loss and damage related to the climate crisis. Over a 100 heads of state are set to address the summit being held in the wake of severe climate disasters from Pakistan to Somalia

El día antes de que el huracán Ian tocara tierra en Cuba, 50.000 personas fueron evacuadas y llevadas a 55 refugios. El 1 de octubre, menos de cinco días después de tocar tierra, el 82% de los habitantes de La Habana habían recuperado el suministro eléctrico, y se seguía trabajando en la parte occidental de la isla.

The day before Hurricane Ian hit Cuba, 50,000 people were evacuated and taken to 55 shelters. By October 1, less than five days after landfall, 82% of the residents of Havana had their power restored with work ongoing for the western part of the island

The report found that due to lockdowns, the daily level emissions of greenhouse gases decreased by 17% in April when compared to 2019. But, as the world went back to work, emissions rose and crossed last year’s levels