The SP leader has faced repeated arrests in the preceding months as the party remains a leading voice against the neoliberal policies of the Zambian government
The polls took place amid worsening conditions for majority of Zimbabweans, in an economy long beleaguered by unilateral sanctions. Zimbabwe was cut off from USD 100 billion in grants, loans, and other kinds of support from international and multilateral sources and further lost an estimated USD 42 billion in revenues between 2001 and 2019.
Zimbabue ha anunciado planes para penalizar la contratación en el extranjero de sus trabajadores sanitarios. Más de 4.000 trabajadores sanitarios han abandonado el país desde 2021, mientras el sistema de salud pública sigue enfrentándose a problemas de bajos salarios y falta de infraestructuras.
Some governments have taken the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to limit people’s rights, including workers’ right to organize. Across the world, health workers who have organized strikes and other actions have faced repression and threats.
The often unsung legacy of Kenneth Kaunda was the pivotal role he played in establishing newly-independent Zambia as a central hub for pan-Africanist and internationalist activities and processes.
With around 1.26 million cases, South Africa has the highest concentration of COVID-19 infections on the continent, followed by Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt
Teachers in Zimbabwe, who are finding it to even difficult to travel to schools due to the decline in the value of their salaries, began staying off from work from September 28
The average salary of a public school teacher has dropped to the equivalent of USD 30-35 a month. The Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association says they cannot afford to work until salaries are restored to the equivalent of USD 520
Over 7,000 people who were affected by the long-live storm have received free medical care from volunteers