Hamas accepts UNSC ceasefire resolution, leaving the ball in Israel’s court

The US fails to backup claims that Israeli leaders support latest UNSC ceasefire resolution, introduced by the US

June 11, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch
Photo: Kaleigh O'Keefe

On June 11, Reuters reported that Hamas had agreed to a three-phase ceasefire resolution, which was introduced by the United States and adopted by the United Nations Security Council the previous day. 

The UNSC resolution was approved by an overwhelming majority on Monday June 10, with 14 out of 15 members voting in favor and only Russia abstaining. The resolution is divided into three phases, with the first phase being a six-week ceasefire, entailing the exchange of women, elderly, and wounded Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners, withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas, the return of Palestinians to their homes in Gaza, and the distribution of aid. The second phase includes a permanent end to the genocidal war, the exchange of remaining hostages for more Palestinian prisoners, and the complete withdrawal of Israeli Occupation Forces from Gaza. The third phase involves resistance force returning the bodies of deceased hostages and the beginning of a reconstruction plan for Gaza.

Hamas and other Palestinian resistance organizations issued statements regarding the resolution.

“The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, welcomes the Security Council’s resolution and its emphasis on a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the exchange of prisoners, reconstruction, the return of displaced persons to their homes, the rejection of any geographical changes or reduction in the area of the Gaza Strip, and the delivery of necessary aid to our people in the Strip,” Hamas’ statement from June 10 read.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine articulated on June 11 that the ceasefire resolution “requires guarantees for its implementation, leading to a permanent cessation of aggression and a comprehensive zionist withdrawal from the strip.” The PFLP also stated that “that the American stance, hostile to our people and complicit in the zionist genocide war on the Strip, makes any American move suspicious and hostile to our people, necessitating caution.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Tel Aviv on June 11 to meet with Israeli officials to urge them to end the war in Gaza. While in Tel Aviv, Blinken called Hamas’ support for the resolution a “hopeful sign,” but still emphasized that the goal of the US is also the “defeat of Hamas.”

“There has to be a clear political plan, a clear humanitarian plan, in order to ensure Hamas does not in any shape or form resume control of Gaza,” Blinken said.

Blinken also claimed that there is “strong consensus” among Israeli leaders to move forward with the ceasefire plan, and claimed that Netanyahu supports the plan and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant expressed positive signals towards it. However, Israeli leaders have yet to come out with public support of the ceasefire resolution.