Categories Venezuela
Productive Workers Army Venezuela

What is Venezuela’s Productive Workers’ Army?

Peoples Dispatch talks to Cira Pascual Marquina from about the Productive Workers’ Army, a workers’ initiative to moralize and jump start the country’s production system, which is suffering under US-backed economic sanctions. She also talks about the Commune system, a step initiated by the late President Hugo Chavez in the move towards socialism.

Categories Venezuela

[Video] People unite and organize to resist US backed sabotage of Vene …

After the attack on the electrical system that left millions of Venezuelans without electricity and water, the communities looked for alternative ways to access the vital resource. The permanent assault of the US government has not been able to defeat the moral of a conscious people, in the face of this new attack, the communities organize to guarantee the supplies and peace.

Video by ALBA TV | Subtitles: Peoples Dispatch

Categories Venezuela
International Peoples' Assembly 2019

[VIDEO] Peoples’ Assembly calls for global action on March 16 ag …

The four-day International Peoples’ Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, which concluded on February 27, has called for mobilizations across the world for an International Day of Struggle for Peace in Venezuela and the cessation of the economic blockade. The assembly was attended by around 500 delegates from five continents, representing 181 people’s movements and organizations.