Categories Venezuela

[VIDEO] Chronicle of a Failed Intervention

In the first months of 2019, after apparently becoming part of Donald Trump’s Anti-Socialist presidential campaign for 2020, Venezuela was the object of a barrage of confusing and unprecedented political maneuvers designed to overthrow the government of Nicolas Maduro. In this video report, produced by the Venezuelan community media collective Tatuy Tv, you will see the events of those tumultuous days in five phases. From the self-proclaimed president and “humanitarian aid” to the massive nationwide blackout, this Chronicle of a Failed Intervention lays out what is really happening in Venezuela and what we can expect in the months to come.

Categories United States | Venezuela

Activists defy right-wing siege at Venezuelan embassy in Washington DC

Guaido supporters have been obstructing members of the Embassy Protection Collective, the legal tenants of the building, from taking food and medicines for the residents inside. They have also sexually, physically, and verbally abused the peace activists. There have been multiple break-in attempts by members of this right-wing mob, but the Secret Service has stood idly by, and has taken legal action against the embassy protectors instead.