We spoke to the member of the German Bundestag, Sevim Dağdelen, about her latest book “NATO: A Reckoning with the Atlantic Alliance,” and how the alliance’s propaganda needs to be dismantled and show the world how it is an attack alliance.
Ursula Von der Leyen announces increased funding for EU armament and border control as she is confirmed for a second term as President of the European Commission
Las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo del mes pasado no significaron el avance definitivo de la extrema derecha como algunos podían temer. Sin embargo, están ganando influencia, sobre todo porque las líneas que las separan de las fuerzas del centro político se están difuminando. En consecuencia, habrá que mirar hacia la izquierda para frenar su auge.
Last month’s European Parliament elections did not bring about the ultimate breakthrough of the far right as some had feared. They are gaining influence though, especially because the lines between them and forces in the political center are blurring. Consequently, we will have to look to the left to stop their surge.
The European elections held on Sunday June 9 consolidated the rightward trend in European politics, but the result has given important insights to the left
The far-right party’s ‘Germany first’ campaign in many ways resembles the Nazi campaign for German supremacy propagated during the Hitler era, marked with militarism and racism