The Constitutional Court’s order on December 20 is a landmark judgment, advancing jurisprudence by specifying “location” of the alternative housing provided to those evicted as an “essential component of adequate housing”.

100 days into the Government of National Unity, the shack dwellers movement condemns a sharp uptick in forced evictions in informal settlements

Two people were killed and 13 injured after a passageway collapsed in the Le Vele di Scampia housing project in Naples

Bernhard Auinger from the Social Democratic Party of Austria has won the mayorship of the city and the runner-up Kay-Michael Dankl from the Communist Party of Austria will take charge as the deputy mayor.

Health care provision for migrants in Chicago remains reliant on mutual aid and volunteer initiatives as winter approaches. Over 21,000 migrants, primarily from Latin America, have come to Chicago since August 2022

As migrants continue to arrive in Chicago, the city struggles to provide adequate shelter and health care for the new arrivals

Walking through China’s cities, you will quickly notice the absence of large slums or pervasive homelessness common to the rest of the world

Progressive organizations in Ireland have demanded that the national government implement emergency measures to address the growing housing crisis

Peoples Dispatch spoke to philip agnew for insights into organizing Black men in the US in the context of dire material conditions and the downswing of the anti-racist movement

Latin American migrants seek refuge in the United States only to be shuttled around as political pawns and sleep in tents in the richest city

The mobilizations were held in rejection of the article 304 of the new accountability and budget bill, which eliminated the subsidy for families facing issues with repayment of their housing loans

A joint report by the Italian Labor Ministry and the National Association of Italian Municipalities found that at least 10,000 migrant farm workers in Italy are living in extremely precarious housing. The study has revealed just one aspect of the broader conditions of exploitation and uncertainty faced by migrant workers in the country