Regarding the pain of others as our own

The May 2024 TriconArt bulletin talks about the power of images amid campus protests, and art’s internationalist role

Amrus Natalsya: The last, farewell and thank you

Amrus’s passing marks the final chapter of making artwork that served his people and an Indonesia whose revolution never saw its completion

Líneas Vitales/Vital Lines: Defying a blockade through art

Six Cuban artists and six US artists collaborate across borders to uplift Cuban revolutionary internationalism

Our enemy is imperialism, not abstract art: Fidel Castro

The Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and the International Week of Anti-imperialist Struggle have launched a third call for posters on the theme of imperialism

Poster exhibition shows glimpses of dying capitalist system and flickers of a new world

Anti-imperialist organizations launch an online poster exhibition around the concept of capitalism

This is what anti-imperialism looks like: Call for posters

Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and the International Week of Anti-imperialist Struggle launch a call for Anti-imperialist Posters