BDS Morocco and other progressive forces held a protest outside French retail multinational Carrefour over its franchising deal with Israeli companies involved in illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories

Calling Israel an apartheid state, academics from over 15 countries in the Latin American region demanded that their governments and institutions end all collaboration with the government and institutions of Israel

Today we look at the withdrawal of French troops from Mali after 9 years, a report on Dutch colonial violence during Indonesia’s independence war, and more

On January 27, pickets and rallies were held in several cities of South Africa in support of the workers’ demand to nationalize the dairy company Clover

Unions and Palestinian solidarity organizations have escalated actions calling for the South African government to disinvest from Clover the Milco consortium, which is majority-owned by an Israeli company operating in occupied territories of Palestine.

Several artists and performers have pulled out of their scheduled events at the acclaimed Sydney festival citing Israeli sponsorship

Rooney rejected an Israeli publisher’s offer to release a Hebrew version of her book. The publishing house in question, Modan, is well known for its ties to the Israel military

Signatories to the letter have urged the EU to extend its rules prohibiting granting of research funds to Israeli institutions in the occupied Palestinian territories to include those inside the state of Israel, calling them equally complicit “in Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights”

Earlier, Algerian judoka Fethi Nourine had withdrawn from the tournament after he was drawn against an Israeli opponent citing his support for the Palestinian cause

The announcement by the ice cream maker came after a sustained campaign was launched by the BDS movement against company’s operations in Israel and in its illegal settlements in the occupied territories

The Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement, which marked its 16th anniversary of July 9, has played a huge role in exposing and creating awareness about the apartheid policies of Israel

Moon joins a growing international group of leaders and organizations that demand the recognition of the asymmetry between Israel and Palestine and an end to Israeli impunity and human right violations in the occupied Palestinian territories