Argentina’s elite has waged strong resistance to the possible state takeover of the Vicentin Agroindustrial Group, ignoring how this could contribute towards food sovereignty and help Argentina deal its foreign debt crisis

The government of Buenos Aires withdrew a law that defined medical residents and concurrents as trainees and stripped them of labor right. This followed continuous mass protests by the medicos

As indicated in the primary elections, Alberto Fernández of the Frente de Todos coalition defeated incumbent president Mauricio Macri in the first round

At least six homeless people have died from hypothermia in Argentina in the past two weeks

Hundreds of researchers, scientists and teachers staged the march protesting the budget cuts in the sector. More than 2,000 students were denied enrollment in research courses this year due to lack of funds

On April 4, with the slogan of “Argentine unity, production and work”, thousands of Argentines were mobilized by trade unions and social organizations. The protesters demanded the declaration of a food emergency and the withdrawal of hikes to essential services

The mobilizations were called by a number of social movements and trade unions to demand the withdrawal of increases in the tariffs of public services and the implementation of a national parity

The marches against the austerity policies of the Mauricio Macri began on January 10 under the banner of the Trade Union Front for the National Model. Water, electricity and gas rates are in the process of being massively hiked in order to meet IMF requirements on deficit

The banner of unity #TierraTechoYTrabajo [#LandRoofAndWork] defeated the right-wing ruling party Cambiemos and won the neighborhood council elections in Villa 21-24, a poor neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina